Mobile and Email Id

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Form Number: {{data.imscanno}} Year: {{data.semyr=='1y'?'1st':data.semyr=='2y'?'2nd':data.semyr=='3y'?'3rd':'4th'}} Year {{data.semyr=='1y'?'Previous Year':'FInal Year'}} Your Front Facing Photo
Your signature Photo
Candidate's Name: {{}}
Father's/Husband Name: {{data.fname}}
Course Name:{{data.course}}
Medium: {{data.mediam}} Status:
Name of the center: {{data.centrecode }}-{{data.centrename}}
Name of the College: {{data.college_code}}-{{data.college_name}}

1. Please verify and confirm your registered mobile number and email Id for examination related activities.
2. If the registered email id or mobile number is not in use then please update it.
3. It is mandatory that your mobile should have basic applications like "Camera", "WhatsApp" and "Google Chrome".
